Bridal Suite Essentials

We’ve teamed up with Tess Viera, a fantastic Derbyshire based photographer, to bring you our recommendations for what is absolutely essential the morning of your wedding whilst you get ready in our bridal suite. We wanted to offer the perspective of a wedding planner whilst Tess will offer the photographer’s perspective over on her blog. We’ll remind you of little things we’ve seen forgotten in the past and Tess will give you a great checklist of things to bring for her detail shots which she’d be snapping whilst you get ready with your nearest and dearest. There are quite a lot of things you’d bring that may be considered obvious (yourself, your dress, etc.) so we’ll jump straight in with the not so obvious. Here it is, our magic six; 

Safety pins / mini sewing kit 

This might seem over the top to some but trust me, I’ve seen far too many lost buttons, unpicked seems and exposed cleavage. It might go without saying that it is very rarely the bride with this problem but you can guarantee it’ll be you stressing about it, so save the agro and have a mini sewing kit stashed in your bag. The chances are, having it means you won’t need it but better to be safe than sorry. 

A straw 

Wedding make-up tends to be pretty set in place but once you’ve got that lipstick on, it always feels more comfortable drinking through a straw and avoids any accidental smudges. Most venues will have straws at the bar but if you’re getting ready at home, at a hotel or in a separate suite to your main venue it’s always worth getting some straws stocked in. 

Chocolate bar / lollipop / mints  

The chances are you’ll be feeling pretty nervous on the morning of your wedding, brides always end up being the one that doesn’t touch breakfast and from experience, let me tell you, once you’ve said your vows and you’re feeling more relaxed, that hunger hits you like a tonne of bricks. A chocolate bar, lollipop or mints help to give a little sugary kick whilst not being a feast to try and tackle with nerves. Bonus for mints making your breath smell delightful for that first kiss as a married couple. 

Hair pins 

Now, this one is usually forgotten about because you probably have a hairdresser booked to make you feel glam, and hairdressers come with their own tools and utensils. But I’m talking about hair pins… not bobby pins. You know the little v shaped pins that most people wonder what the hell they’re for because bobby pins hold your hair so much better? Yeah, those bad boys… they are AMAZING for doing up small and fiddly dress buttons so come in handy when a room full of people are putting on dresses with small fiddly buttons. Plus, always good to have around if you want to tighten up any areas of your hair later in the day/evening.  


This one is rarely forgotten but it’s definitely worth mentioning. Venues can’t hand out medications due to the risk of allergic reactions so it’s really important to make sure you have some with you. The last thing you want is to be walking down the aisle with a headache after a couple of morning Proseccos. 

For the grooms - spare shirt 

One for the men, groom, groomsmen, fathers etc. Bring a spare shirt with you. We have plenty of locations where these can be hung up for you. Even if you think you definitely won’t need it, please still bring one. We have seen a lot of spillages before photos have finished, but also, a lot of people complain about sweating due to nerves and then feel uncomfortable taking their suit jacket off so having that back up shirt there means you can pop off for a quick change before the evening reception if you want to take your jacket off to bust out some dance moves. Trust us, it’s worth the tiny bit of extra luggage. 

Head across to Tess’ blog by following this link: and see what she recommends for her bridal prep photos. If you have any questions about the morning of your wedding, drop us an email on

Photo credit: Tess Viera

Haarlem Mill